The idea of starting up Sargent Ranch all began in July of 2020. After years of hobby farming and raising livestock with our children for 4-H, we decided we needed a change of scenery from the small-animal world and began looking into raising cattle. After researching local ranches, we landed on one in particular that raised Texas Longhorns, a breed completely unfamiliar to us at the time. We gathered up the family to take a tour of the ranch and instantly fell in love with the gentle breed. Keeping in mind that our goal was to start a small herd of family-friendly yet quality cattle, we took the leap and had our first two cows delivered just weeks after our visit with the ranch. As our love for the Longhorn breed grew, we began attending futurities and shows, making connections with other ranchers, and growing our small herd. Through studying the breed, and learning from those who share the love of this breed, we learned about their ease in calving, beautiful colors, and that Longhorn is one of the most lean and flavorful beef in the industry. We take pride in knowing that any visitor can feel safe with our herd of gentle giants. We have grown to love the art of raising Longhorns, and we look forward to many more years of enjoying our herd and the many friends we have made along the way, and those we have yet to meet.